Who we are

CHARIS - Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service - is the new unique service created by the express will of Pope Francis for the current of grace as the Catholic Charismatic Renewal - RCC is defined.
Its Statutes were promulgated on December 8, 2018, by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life.
CHARIS is at the service of all the realities of the Charismatic Renewal: prayer groups, communities, schools of evangelization, ministries, etc.
One of the objectives of CHARIS is to "organize opportunities for formation" (CHARIS Statutes, art. 03): it is not a matter of forming scientific academic students, but of well-prepared servants to lead brothers and sisters towards a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.
CHARIS offers a number of training courses and this year launches an Integral Formation Program- IFP that aims to complete the knowledge of specific and concrete issues that a servant of the CCR must face to deepen the spiritual and psychological knowledge of the self.

For more info on CHARIS, visit our website: www.charis.international


  • Office

    Piazza di San Calisto, 16
    Palazzo San Calisto
    00120 Vatican City

  • Phones

    +39 06 69887126 - +39 06 69887127
    +39 351 769 6887 – WhatsApp

  • E-mail

    [email protected]